Even if we don’t agree with Conservatives about much, there is certain common ground we’ve taken for granted — checks and balances, the American dream, the Bill of Rights…

But under Donald Trump, all of that is under attack. So it’s about damn time one of the members of the party in power called out the GOP’s support of this crooked, unqualified clown.

In his new book, The Conscience of a Conservative: A Rejection of Destructive Politics and a Return to Principle, Republican Senator Jeff Flake is the latest to speak out, and the first to do so in a comprehensive way about the entire systemic failure of the GOP to hold their principles above simply winning. He writes:

“If by 2017 the conservative bargain was to go along for the very bumpy ride because with congressional hegemony and the White House we had the numbers to achieve some long-held policy goals—even as we put at risk our institutions and our values—then it was a very real question whether any such policy victories wouldn’t be Pyrrhic ones. If this was our Faustian bargain, then it was not worth it. If ultimately our principles were so malleable as to no longer be principles, then what was the point of political victories in the first place?”

You can read the full excerpt HERE! And for more Republicans who have taken a stand against the POTUS…

CLICK HERE to view “Republicans Who Have Spoken Out Against Trump!”

CLICK HERE to view “Republicans Who Have Spoken Out Against Trump!”

CLICK HERE to view “Republicans Who Have Spoken Out Against Trump!”

CLICK HERE to view “Republicans Who Have Spoken Out Against Trump!”

CLICK HERE to view “Republicans Who Have Spoken Out Against Trump!”

[Image via CNN.]

Link – 

GOP Senator Speaks Out Against Trump AND The Republican Party For Supporting Him! Thankfully He’s Not COMPLETELY Alone…